
Gridlock energy drink review
Gridlock energy drink review

This stuff isn’t very good, but it is good enough that I get it a couple times a year, simply because it’s cheap, somewhat different, and (somewhat) drinkable. It’s almost like they intentionally took out any familiar flavors at all, for a reason that I can’t possibly Another blogger says it’s a vague flavor like a “fruit punch”, but I love fruit punch, and this ain’t it…maybe it’s a fruit punch without character – a lifeless impostor of a fruit punch that’s been sapped of its soul by some nefarious villain looking to test out his new “Lifesucker” device on an inanimate object, before attempting it on a human subject. Instead, it just tastes like a candy machine broke and the contents fell into a vat of regular Gridlock, and they just rolled with whatever flavor came out of the accident. It’s very, very sweet, but it doesn’t quite hit the same “sweet” notes on the tastebuds as, say, a candy would.


Overall, Gridlock is an energy drink that's as uninteresting as any before it, but it is at least an improvement over the sugar free variant.Well, after having a few sips, I can say – with definitive certainty – that I still have no idea what the hell this is supposed to taste like. Each can contains: caffeine, several B vitamins, ginseng, taurine, and inositol. I had a good three hours of energy, and while jitters were caused, a crash was not. Gridlock gives a kick that's as decent as most. Surprisingly enough, while Gridlock is mostly your typical and pedestrian Red Bull clone, it shows a solid self restraint that results in a palatable experience not usually provided by such flavours.

gridlock energy drink review

But to the drink's advantage, the flavour concludes soon after the previously described. Things aren't perfect, however, as the evolved apple taste suffers from an over sweetened and gummed abaft. The antecedent sourness withholds a sort of coy tartness that's faintly flavoured of vanilla, and the anterior taste is manipulated by the same chemical clout that effects the sourness that the vanilla resides within. The latter isn't necessarily more authentic or inspired, but it does have a certain vibrancy that gives the flavour a bit of a lively sense of excitement.

gridlock energy drink review

The apple is initially mild and resembles mostly a rudimentary imitation of the fruit, but the more the apple becomes distinct and focused the faster it mutates into the pineapple. The former tastes much of apple, though as everything progresses it begins to mimic more of a pineapple.

gridlock energy drink review

The flavour begins with gumminess and sourness, and both are chemically controlled and influenced. It meshes well with the black and silver colouring, both of which are used sparingly compared to the green. Gridlock comes in a can nearly identical to the aforementioned variety, and while I did just criticize the presence of green on the can, I do feel that it's a better fit for the design than the powder blue is. This shameless ploy to lure the untrained consumer is wildly practiced but nonetheless, it means that the company didn't attempt at intriguing someone by producing an interesting can design. Contrast to the light blue the sugar free variety used, Gridlock regular was given a bright green colour really for only one reason create a colour similarity between this generic beverage the well known energy drink Monster.

Gridlock energy drink review